Reasons to choose 11 Plus Exam Papers:

A guide for students to know about how to pass the 11 plus exam

Of course, there are several benefits to pass this 11 plus exam and all of us have a wonderful opportunity to apply to your kid’s initial choice grammar school. But, there are many things you need to know about how to pass the 11 plus exams. Sometimes, it needs more additional effort, which makes the genuine difference. When it comes to administering this exam, there are couples of 11 plus exam boards available that includes the Granada Learning (GL) and the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM). Also, where you live will decide that test your kid will sit. Even though, the exam format for each test is analogous and there are some differences available that will influence what kind of material your kid will want to study.

How to begin preparing this 11 plus exam early?

In many cases, the kids want some minimum preparation, if they are to pass this 11 plus exam. Also in most of the cases, they want a regular study schedule months in advance. Before the day of an exam, having a study plan in place will offer your kids more time to practice and also find their strengths and weaknesses. Still, it is not essential to surplus your kids with a lot of study. But, it is always good to space out the learning into fewer chunks for a long time period, so that your children do not even become overwhelmed. At over 10 and 11 years old, the children can focus for around half an hour before becoming tired out. If you have a structured study plan in your place, just half an hour for every other night must be everything your children want to perform well in this exam.

clear 11 Plus exams easily

How to cover each component of this 11 plus exam?

Irrespective of which exam board administers the test of your kids, still, they will be tested on the same subjects such as verbal and non-verbal reasoning, maths and English. It is also much essential that the study schedule of your child covers the complete possible topics. For the English portion of this exam, your children will be tested on everything or a combination of the following topics such as punctuation, spelling, comprehension, literacy, vocabulary and grammar and sentence structure. For this 11 plus exams, it is important that your child focuses on vocabulary and also using practice papers to enhance their verbal reasoning skills.